Monday, 25 March 2013

What If I told you, You can eat without posting on INSTAGRAM .

Instagram ? I am sure everyone of us must have heard of it a social networking application which speaks only one language "Pictures". I am really surprised that Instagram being only a picture posting application has taken over our lives same as Facebook or twitter, however for these two sites it took a lot of time to have an addiction usage image. Actually I am not surprised because I myself is an Instagram regular user, I got to know about this application last year February and I loved it, I was a typical instagramer posting everything before eating. Leave the eating part, I even used to post my jewellery, makeup, clothes, shoes in short every shit on earth, but that's the trend don't think I got insane and posting such stuffs.

The addiction decreased a lot since I started working and since I got a knowledge this is so useless. I have an account on Instagram and I won't lie I love it, just love the filters, the effects, the editing options but I don't  do photobombing anymore. I got some really good friends from different parts of the world and they are kind of real and genuine users of Instagram. My profile is on privacy and even if I post something that too once in a week so I am satisfied with the comments and likes of the people whom I got to know through Instagram. 

But I seriously wonder there are still those users existing who post even while they are shitting. Like seriously no joke, wakeup, sleeping, eating ,drinking every picture of what they are doing right now. I think this is the biggest misuse of this application while other people are least bothered to know when you wakeup and sleep. Anyhow just a review on Instagram even though I repeat I just love this application and use it quite often, If anyone of my blogger friends are using Instagram then surely follow me --> Username: Youmnafzal.. Even if you don't use it or if you use it I want to know your reviews too, feel free to express :) 



  1. LOL The last meme is hilarious!

    Honestly speaking, I know that I'm prone to addiction so I have exercised my utmost self-discipline powers and stopped myself from downloading the App because I know I'll get hooked and I don't need more reasons for distraction!

  2. Youmna, I did it :( I joined instagram :(

    1. hahahah then follow me :P and good luck with the addiction :P
